IAPOM is a spiritually based organising process for your unconscious mind

  • 20 May 2014
  • Patricia Greenhough

Patricia developed the IAPOM process early in 2010 and presented it at NZANLP’s Professional Development day in Hamilton on 20 November 2010.


A spiritually based organising process for your unconscious mind.

Are you one of those people, like me, who don’t really like goal setting, or are you a keen goal setter? Whatever your answer is, this process could, if you choose, delight you and enhance your life.

Let me explain the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind is everything that you are aware that you are thinking about right now. Research shows that to be seven plus or minus two pieces of information. The size of those pieces of information depends on you and how you are organised. Everything else is unconscious. From a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) point of view the unconscious mind is everything else that is not conscious right now. That is all your memories, beliefs, strategies for everything including sorting information, values, and all body processes, spiritual connections and everything else that you are not conscious of right now.

Now everything that we want has a positive outcome state.

For instance you may want to be healthier than you are and health itself seems pretty positive. However if you think about being healthy, fully and completely in the way you want, imagining that now as if you were already healthy, how do you feel? Where do you feel that good feeling? As you imagine going about your daily life feeling this good, how great is that feeling? What are you seeing? Hearing? What can you smell, and how good does it taste to feel this great?

Now that is the positive outcome state of being healthy. And that is what a person, like you, who really wants to be healthy is unconsciously after when they set the intention of being healthy. Now, when you feel this good as you go about getting healthy, automatically, how pleasurable is that?

Some of you could be saying, hang on a moment, what happened to no pain no gain. You see pain was never the goal. And when you go about getting healthy in a way that feels good you are more likely to keep doing it. That’s what the healthy people do, they like what they are doing so they keep doing it.

I believe that our Soul has a purpose and that we don’t have conscious awareness of all that is. This means that a person could have set conscious goals in the past that did not fully align with their Soul’s highest purpose and highest values.

IAPOM aligns goals, dreams values, qualities, tasks and projects with their positive outcome states, and their Soul’s highest purpose and values so that any conflict at this level becomes a thing of the past.

Please note

After setting up each of the steps in IAPOM pause until you get a sense that this step is complete and then go on to the next step. Take your time, breathe, relax; your unconscious mind has always been there helping you to be the best that you can be. The conscious mind is designed to set the task and the unconscious mind to carry it out. The quality of the instruction from your conscious mind determines the quality of the outcome. You will notice that all the instructions use positive language, that is that they state what to do, (rather than what not to do), this is an extremely important aspect of any NLP process.



Use this for your self or talk another person through the process.

You can focus on a single area such as health or all goals, dreams, values, qualities, tasks and projects. The choice is yours. The script uses all, change it for yourself as needed.


Ask your unconscious mind to go ahead and identify all goals, dreams, values, qualities, tasks, and projects that you want to achieve or develop.

Pause until you have the sense that this step is complete.


Ask your unconscious mind to align these goals, dreams, values, qualities, tasks and projects with their positive outcome state, your life mission and highest values, and to maintain this alignment throughout the IAPOM process and beyond.

Pause until you have the sense that this step is complete.


Ask your unconscious mind to prioritise each of the above goals, dreams, values, qualities, tasks, and projects in order of importance and urgency so that the most important/urgent are at the top of the list.

Pause until you have the sense that this step is complete.


Ask your unconscious mind to organise by chunking and sequencing. Chunk each goal, dream, value, quality, task, and project into easy manageable chunks. Then sequence the chunks so that there is an easy organic flow from one enjoyable task to another.

Pause until you have the sense that this step is complete.


Ask your unconscious mind to mobilise so that each chunk is achieved easily, elegantly and joyfully.

Right action, right order, right timing.

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